International Cooperation

International Cooperation


In inputs assessment, EA services works closely with the team of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) Switzerland, FiBL Germany and FiBL Europe. This cooperation aims to achieve a consistent assessment of organic inputs in Europe as well as a transnational joint presence. The products are generally assessed on the basis of Regulation (EU) No 2018/848 as amended. If necessary, additional evaluation criteria are created based on many years of experience and scientific expertise in the respective field. The criteria for different areas are published on the website of the European Input List.

In addition to the Austrian inputs list, there are already lists for the following countries, which are created according to these criteria:
Input list for Germany
Dutch Input List
Input list for Croatia
Input list for Switzerland
Input list for Hungary
Italian Input List
Swedish Input List

All evaluated products from these countries are published in the European Input List.

Cooperation with CERES

The international inspection body CERES inspects and certifies inputs for organic production worldwide. The following standards are currently being evaluated: EU Organic Regulation, CERES equivalent Standard for Third Countries, NOP and JAS.

In an online product search, all evaluated products from more than 120 manufacturers from 24 countries are displayed. The product search is a useful tool for all suppliers and users of products, for control bodies but also for organic consultants and authorities. The search is freely accessible, it is available in English and Spanish.

This transparent system provides information on inputs that may be used in organic farming and thus contributes significantly to the safety of organic farming.

Online Product search

